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Jane Doe MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Jane Doe? Jane Doe is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 783 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

Jane Doe is an ESTP SLE 7w8 I understand the ENTP votes because the vibe is more similar to the ESTP, but I don't see her as a Ne dom. and regarding ENFJ votes, I also see her having more Se than Si, but I don't think she is Fe dom, she is very active and moved by the action of the here and now, in immediate experience and sensory stimuli, she adapts easily with changing situations taking advantage of opportunities and is quite observant, I don't see her worrying about harmony as much as immediate action and she seems to have a lot of auxiliary Ti focusing on logical analysis and the precision of her actions and sensory experiences. There are good examples of characters who are Se Dom and are similar to her, such as Catwoman, Black Cat and even a little like Evelynn from LOL. For me Jane is Se - Ti - Fe - Ni, an obvious ESTP. About her being SLE, I think she is very focused on solving problems in a practical and efficient way, evaluating situations according to logic and rational analysis of the world around her. She is also very energetic and direct and focused on experiences, and can be a beautiful leader naturally on certain occasions, as she has demonstrated in the game's story, being very effective in what she does, in addition to being quick to make decisions. and the enneagram 7w8 because she has great optimism and energy, has a good ability to face challenges in a determined way, is blatantly charming, using her charisma to win people over and thanks to her wing 8 she is also quite assertive and direct in what she does or wants, Jane has great enthusiasm and pragmatism in the way she acts

