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Vic Mignogna MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Vic Mignogna? Vic Mignogna is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - so/sx - 479 in Enneagram, SLOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Uses Si more than Se. Love the guy, really didn't deserve to have his reputation ruined like that *why are people downvoting? Is it bc they think he’s guilty?


Victor Joseph Mignogna (/mɪnˈjɒnə/; born 1962 or 1963) is an American voice actor and musician known for his voice-over work in the English dubs of Japanese anime shows, the most notable being Edward Elric from the Fullmetal Alchemist series, for which he earned the American Anime Award for Best Actor in 2007. Other notable animation roles include Broly from the Dragon Ball films, Tamaki Suoh in Ouran High School Host Club, Fai D. Flowright in Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Dark in D.N.Angel, Kurz Weber in the Full Metal Panic! series, Zero and Ichiru Kiryu in the Vampire Knight series, Christopher Aonuma in Digimon Fusion, Nagato and Obito Uchiha in Naruto Shippuden, Ikkaku Madarame in Bleach, Qrow Branwen in RWBY, and Matt Ishida in Digimon Adventure tri. #VicMignogna
