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Toshio Furukawa MBTI Personality Type

Toshio Furukawa MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Toshio Furukawa? Toshio Furukawa is an INTP personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Toshio Furukawa is a seiyu who was born July 16, 1946 in Tochigi, Japan. His roles vary from the Unlucky Everydude Ataru Moroboshi (Urusei Yatsura), to The Stoic Shin [Fist of the North Star], to The Lancer Kai Shiden [Mobile Suit Gundam], and even The Rival / Big Bad Piccolo Jr. [Dragon Ball Z]. Furthermore, he can play Bishounen and Hot-Blooded boys (see: Portgas D. Ace) as well. He's also notable for his collection of Piccolo and Ace figures which rivals that of anyone who doesn't happen to portray those characters as a living. Married to fellow seiyuu Shino Kakinuma.
