Angela MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Angela? Angela is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - sx/so - 163 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Seems Si dom. She adheres to what she's comfortable with rather than what's efficient or what's most effective. Compare her to Te dom John, for example.


Angela is described in-game as abrasive and understanding. Angela is sarcastic and self-centered. When the bus crashes, she only worries about her clothes and about getting compensated by the college. She has a strong distaste for guns, which may have to do with her divorce. Angela can't stand water since childhood. This was shown when Daniel had to help her get through the stream and when she commented on how black the water is in the river. After meeting Mary and Amy, Angela, like Andrew, takes an interest in these events and tries to find out what happened to her double. Depending on the actions of the player, Angela can show a more empathetic side.

Gaming Characters Similar to Angela
