Noah Hawley MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Noah Hawley? Noah Hawley is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sx/sp - 548 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.


Noah Hawley is an American television writer and producer who created the FX crime/dark-comedy/drama series Fargo based on the Coen Brothers movie of the same name (with inspiration from their other works) in 2014, and later the psychological-superhero-thriller series Legion (2017) based on the Marvel comic of the same name three years later. Known for being an incredibly hands-on showrunner, Hawley also wrote the best-selling novel Before the Fall in 2016 while juggling his two shows of vastly differing style. The rights were eventually purchased by Sony, who plan to adapt it into a movie with Hawley himself writing the screenplay. He also announced in 2017 that he would be directing a movie based on Doctor Doom, but with Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox and the shuttering of a number of planned Fox-Marvel movies, what's on the horizon is anyone's guess. For what it's worth, Kevin Feige implied that he was interested in the script when speaking to him.

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