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Butt-ler MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Butt-ler? Butt-ler is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Buttler is a character who is clearly suggested to do well in an environment that involves the management of details, working with the material world and being down to earth and in-the-moment. Hence why he is Betrayus’ servant. He must have been chosen for this role for some reason. Although he gets yelled at a lot, he is clearly good at his job, likely involving what would be household tasks like cooking and cleaning. This is rather characteristic of an Si dom, as those people would be good at these types of things. He’s also a very rational character, which is where a lot of his conflict with Betrayus and Dr. Buttocks come in. Both Betrayus and Dr. Buttocks are highly eccentric and can be irrational (especially Betrayus, as he is likely the least intelligent of the group, or is suggested to be), while Buttler is rational and prefers to look at things from a logical and practical point of view. Unfortunately for him, he is largely ignored. Interestingly, he is likely the only one of the three to truly contribute in an effective way. This is where I am getting Si, Te, from. I also get the impression that Buttler is not the most forward with his emotions. You can usually tell how Buttler is feeling, but this is not his preferred method of communication. He is rather monotone in both expression and voice (though this could arguably be chalked up to depression or constantly being pushed around), and he seems to have a deeper set of morals than most of the characters around him (as Fi users have deep and unmoving morals regardless of the beliefs of those around them). This seems like a very solid explanation for Buttler being an ISTJ, which is neat, because that is the census here already. I agree. As for his enneagram and alignment, Buttler’s alignment seems to be true neutral to me. He doesn’t seem evil at his core despite the side he is technically on. He is clearly forced to be in the position he is in, and will collaborate with the protagonists at times. True neutral just sounds right in my opinion. I think that Buttler’s enneagram is 1w9, as he has a calm, introverted, and principled demeanor. (love Buttler btw, he deserves better)

