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  2. Movies
  3. Autumn Sonata (1978)

Charlotte MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Charlotte? Charlotte is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

When I last watched Autumn Sonata I was sure Charlotte is an xNTJ type, but I was back and forth about which one. I've settled on ENTJ, mostly because of the tertiary and inferior functions. Her Ni and Te work so closely together, which made it easy to see the function axes she uses. Everyone knows there is a push and pull for every function axis, which is further taken into whatever direction depending on if it's dominant/inferior or auxiliary/tertiary. I found that inferior Fi was clear in that dominant Te inferior Fi way, in that Charlotte is obviously a Te user in the way that she has an ascetic way of understanding value and achievement and the like. I found her to be deliberately literate in communicating with people, even though the movie is about her deconstruction from that point. This social literacy obviously doesn't come from Fe since the film itself proves Charlotte to be a low Fi user as opposed to Eva's high Fe. (I could elaborate on this... but anyone who has seen the movie and understands the functions will catch my meaning.) The reason her ExTJ Te/Fi usage is so apparent to me comes from how rigid Charlotte's understanding of emotions is. (Something TJ types are often criticized for.) And her social literacy comes from her dominant Te which is known to see people as their utility. Auxiliary Ni/tertiary Se also seems more accurate than the auxiliary Te/inferior Fi combination. Charlotte is clearly in tune with her subjective understanding of what makes the world tick and what success means. For Charlotte, her Ni and Se are working very closely together because they are in the aux/tert positions. Both her Ni and Se are always serving her dominant mode: Te, because of the weight she places on achievement and status. She uses her intuitive intelligence and sensory literacy to assist her success. ENTJs as opposed to INTJs are known to be more interested in the image of success, as well. Because of their higher Se, they are more aware of the sensuous qualities had by everything. The scene where she is thinking 5 steps ahead to what meaning her daughter and son-in-law will glean from what she decides to wear to dinner reads perfectly like the auxiliary Ni tertiary Se dialectic. She is aware of the close ties had by sensory reality and the implications held therein. (Though because Ni comes out on top, she favors the implications of what she wears than the primary sensuous qualities of what she will wear. What do you think?

