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Cherami Leigh MBTI Personality Type

Cherami Leigh MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Cherami Leigh? Cherami Leigh is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - so/sx - 973 in Enneagram, SCUAN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

She reminds me a lot of my sister, who’s an ISTP 9w1. I recall a story she told of being in a restaurant with her then-boyfriend-probably-now-husband (who’s much physically bigger than her) and she pretended to be afraid of him hitting her, (which she emphasized does NOT happen) and scoring free sympathy and offers of help from the waitresses. That seems like a kind of low-Fe and/or Se kind of humor. I believe she also has a spiritual side that reminds me of the ESFPs I know. She’s not as detached as my sister, seems more at ease with people’s emotions and has that cut-to-the-side toggle back and forth eye movement Se-Ni users have, so I’m gonna say ESTP 9.


Cherami Leigh Kuehn (born July 19, 1988) is an American film, television and voice actress. She has provided voices for a number of English-language versions of anime series and video games with Bang Zoom! Entertainment, Funimation, NYAV Post, Studiopolis and Viz Media. Some of her roles include Sae Kashiwagi in Peach Girl, Tamaki Kawazoe in Bamboo Blade, Patty Thompson in Soul Eater, Lucy Heartfilia in Fairy Tail, Cecily Campbell in The Sacred Blacksmith, Asuna Yuuki in Sword Art Online, Sailor Venus in the Viz Media dub of Sailor Moon, Makoto Niijima in Persona 5, Plutia / Iris Heart in Hyperdimension Neptunia, Sarada Uchiha in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations and Chloe in Pokémon Journeys: The Series.

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