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Yu Hayashi MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Yu Hayashi? Yu Hayashi is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

No one has commented in this section, but I will take it upon myself to at least clarify why I consider it to be ESFJ. Leaving aside the way Hayashi-san tends to be very emotional and convey this within his works (covers, dubbing, writing lyrics, singing and acting), he tends to show himself as a person who is very perceptive and demonstrative on an emotional level (Fe), aiming to bring this feeling outward and share it with others. In Sukuuta, he always tries to include everyone equally. Now, as for the secondary Si, Hayashi demonstrates this by daily lifestyle. Besides always making references to his past (positively, considering his family history, friendships and more), he has shown in his Tweets and photo essay that he tends to be one of following a routine and organizing himself for his daily activities, going so far as to demand too much of himself. An example of her routine side is that every morning she posts good morning, has a day set aside to check her social media comments and follows an order in her activities (as was clear in one of her vlogs on Hayashi 勇Tube). I consider him to have a very high Ne, picking up on the initial part of his ability to interact with others, to come up with things and try to get them out there. Still, I don't consider his Ti to be that low. From my point of view, he has been developing it along with the Ne because it is incredible. <3

