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Pascal Cammisotto MBTI Personality Type

Pascal Cammisotto MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Pascal Cammisotto? Pascal Cammisotto is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sp - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Pascal Cammisotto (also known online as KaMiZoTo) is a French game developer and voice actor, the founder of Draw Me A Pixel and known for his There Is No Game: Jam 2015 (a short 10-15 minute title that won the 2015 Newgrounds Construct Jam competition under the contest theme of 'deception') and There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension. He is also featured as a character in the last chapter of Wrong Dimension, where he is known as Creator.

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