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  3. Soulcalibur

Maxi MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Maxi? Maxi is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - - 783 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


The son of a merchant from the Ryukyu Kingdom, an island nation to the far east home to unusual fighting styles and weapons. With his dying words, Maxi's father urged the boy to travel the world and see as much as possible, and heeding his words but vowing to never be shackled by the whims of trade, Maxi gathered young men from his hometown and formed a pirate crew. One fateful day at a port in India, Maxi and his crew were beset by a horde of Lizardmen led by a huge figure brandishing a massive axe. Maxi's crew were slain to a man, and Maxi swore to hunt the axeman to the ends of the world and avenge his comrades. Maxi does low damage per hit, but each hit is very fast, and can come in unexpected places, which allows him to build up to strong combos with more damaging attacks. He has seven different stances, which he shifts in-between during attacks depending on the input, allowing a wide variety of different options available to use. He can also stop to enter a Pure Soul Loop stance.
