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Most Serious SP MBTI Personality Type

Most Serious SP MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Most Serious SP? Most Serious SP is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 583 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

the Jungian "Introverted Feeling" that's been so basterdized over the years it's become almost its own opposite or simply a placeholder for "generic alt girl/dumb SJW". To get a clear picture of exactly what you're voting for when selecting "ISFP" based on "Fi", consider that Jung's introverted feeling type was timid, quiet, harmonious, passionate yet neutral, and often hides behind a childish or banal mask; and nothing like what the modern internet (pre-)school of thought would have you believe. On the contrary, of the "Ti" type, Jung says "In the case of a human object, the man has a distinct feeling that he matters only in a negative way, i.e., in milder instances he is merely conscious of being superfluous, but with a more extreme type he feels himself warded off as something definitely disturbing."


Serious people are thoughtful and quiet, and do not laugh very often. They are solemn and not given to emotional expression. No pretentions. They are realistically aware of their own capabilities, but they are also aware of their own limitations; they are not tempted by vanity or self-importance. This poll is for MBTI and "whatever" suitable Enneagram/Socionics/Tritype/Instinctual Variant/Etc.
