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Least Stereotyped MBTI Personality Type

Least Stereotyped MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Least Stereotyped? Least Stereotyped is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - 692 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, in Socionics.

Well lets see all the stereotypes: MBTI's --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTJ - C0CKY evil mastermind MAwAHhHAHhahHA, unemotional, detached, hates everybody INTP - Clumsy Clutz, nerd, discord mod ENTJ - Boss of the house ENTP - Big brain crazy Chad INFJ - Scary, confident, manipulative son of a bit- INFP -"I'm 14 and this is deep" ENFJ - Confident, manipulative, Has 1 million afterschool activities, A+ student nerd, never has self doubt, Athletic, leader. ENFP - "Oh look a butterfly-" ISTJ - "Are ya winning son?" ISFJ - Shy uwu maid, mom, or grandparent ESTJ - Karen ESFJ - Clingy aunt ISTP - hOt - BaDdIe - 14 - nOt tAkEn - Is GaMeR - iS It hOt In hErE Or jUsT mE - iS FaNg WoLf - wOoD iS ePiC ISFP - I like art ESTP - "DUDE BABE I'M SO HOT DUDE I CAN CHUG A BEER CAN" (Also is a Chad) ESFP - "LETS DRINK TEQULIA AND HAVE FUN BABY yAsSs QueEn!!! AND ALSO I CAN FIT 10000000 MARSHMELLOWS IN MY MOUTH sIsTeR" (Might be a youtuber) The least has to be either ESFJ or ISFP. Mbti's with the the most stereotypes have to be InxJ's. Onto Enneagram stereotypes..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type 1 : Perfectionistic, idealistic, Mature and has morals, most likely mastermind scholar or some crap Type 2 : Caring, Generous, Clingy, people pleaser, most likely a grandma or some crap, doormats. Type 3: Image-cautious, Adaptive, Excelling, lack of depth. Type 4: "oMg GiRlY NoOooO My sTaRbUcKs LaTtE fELl, iMa DiE QuEeN!" Type 5: Antisocial weirdos who can't communicate, Akward af, can't even order a meal without stuttering. Type 6: Anxious, Insecure, Suspicious, Sherlock frickin' Holmes. Type 7: Lazy, most likely ate 1000 packs of sugar today. "YO DUDE dID YoU SeE tHat KnEw TiKtOk PoSt LaSt nIgHt?!?!?" Type 8: Confident, "dUdE YoU wOn MaRiO cArT?!??! yOuR HaCkInG, 1v1 mE bRo!!!", is a squeaker. Type 9: ........Peaceful and calm? (There's nothing I can really think of that is stereotyped) Imo, 9w1's are the least stereotyped, I can't really think of anything that is stereotyped about them. The most stereotyped is most likely 5w6's or 4w5's. Edit: 7/12, I have nothing against fours I love ya'll so much please don't hate me or anything!! It's just that most are stereotyped to "overreact" so I'm not going by opinions I'm going by stereotypes I'm sorry if I hurt your guys feelings I'm just really dumb with phrasing >_<!!! It's just my commenting got disabled.....so half you guys wont see this anyway I'm sorry(-^-)

