Lottie MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Lottie? Lottie is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sx/so - in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

LITG pages are practically dead but why 4w3? Always saw Lottie as a 6w7. Bends the meaning of "girl code" to feel safe and justify her actions, and requires support from others despite being generally counterphobic. She has a lot of paranoia surrounding people/events that threaten her relationships with her friends/partner. I just can't see envy and jealousy being at the center of her desire. It's all about the desire to feel safe as well as to control the situation. Her 8 fix is very strong and her sense of justifying herself for many of her own actions is similar to that of a 1, but of course her justification is eye for an eye and "justice in my own hands" as opposed to the right thing to do and "correct morality". I didn't really like Lottie for her insanely hypocritical actions, but deep down she's a good gal. She has a lot of trust issues and fears the world in a way, so she always tries to take control even if it means making horrifically bad decisions.


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