Richard Watterson MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Richard Watterson? Richard Watterson is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sp/sx - 974 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

To be entirely honest, typing fictional characters is difficult and I'll admit, I'm not the most well versed in typology but here is just my small analysis on the potato father, Richard Watterson. To me, he displays clear Se tendencies and it's his most obvious and developed function. He is one with his environment and physical sensations. He listens to his body when he is hungry, he follows his sense of smell and pays close attention to the world around him. He is also known to over indulge his physical desires (most notably, hunger) and he's pretty adventurous. He first met Nicole when he was out exploring in the woods, found some nuts, got hungry, went to get the nuts and got stuck in a stump. His Fi is clear too, he has his own sense of right and wrong and he sticks to his own view of the world. He is very in touch with his emotions and can be very vulnerable. I'm not so sure about Te or Ni but Se-Fi rings clear to me. Ennegram 9 seems to suit him the most (although you could make an argument for 7) as he likes to keep the peace and prefers to he calm and laid back. He runs away from his issues and denies them completely in order to keep a sense of comfort in the things around him (another reason why I think 7 could suit him.) He tries his best to keep his kids and Nicole in a calm state and he has been seen successfully calming them down several times throughout the series.


Gumball's father and Nicole's pink rabbit husband. Richard is very immature for his age and hates to have any sort of responsibility. He is also quite lackadaisical and sleeps frequently. As a result, Nicole is usually forced to be the parent to their children, but she's not home a lot, so Richard's often the only one available.

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