Gumball Watterson MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Gumball Watterson? Gumball Watterson is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - sp/sx - 738 in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

Ne: Gumball goes on adventures with his pet fish, Darwin. His whole world is based on things he views possible. As a child, it is revealed that he had a very strong imagination and unquenchable sense of curiosity. Most of his social interactions involve him bouncing off ideas off of other people. Despite him being very imaginative and curious, he is undoubtedly naive, lazy, and absent-minded. Because of this, his family and the school system believe him to be slightly dimwitted, despite him being relatively intelligent. Ti - Gumball lives in a world where anything is possible, however, his head is not completely out of this atmosphere. Gumball does rationalize things, and is definitely the brains of the duo. He is the strategist when it comes to schemes, and has earned the title "Troublemaker." He tends to outwit most of his social encounters, and is always coming up with solutions to problems, though sometimes they backfire and all. Fe - Sometimes, Gumball appears very insensitive, and this often upsets Darwin, who is an Fi user. Gumball often does what he views as logical (Ti), but not always what is socially appropriate or kind. He is socially clumsy, which is why Penny's father looks down on him, and is very naive. However, he does have moments where his heart shines through. He can be thoughtful and kind, but often prefers to continue on his selfish ways. His heart is often in the right place though. Si - Gumball has no sense of reality, and is often very absent minded. However, he does enjoy indulging on leisurely activities, such as binge watching TV, overeating, and playing video games. He is rarely productive, and spends most of his time in his head. He appears to lack common sense, and is extremely impractical. He has a short-term memory, is not very detailed-oriented, and he is very disorganized. But despite this, he will use strategies that have worked in the past, but fails to learn from his past mistakes.


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