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  2. Television
  3. The Big Bang Theory (2007)

Howard Wolowitz MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Howard Wolowitz? Howard Wolowitz is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 739 in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

According to Socionics, ILEs feel responsible for Se and Fi too, so that might explain his obsession (yet maybe not very good relationship) with sex and romance. Might be overuse of Fe of course. In early season it's as if Penny (ESFP) wants to crush his illusion of good Se and Fe. Apart from that, his humour is very Ne ("Look, what you created here, it's like Nerdvana"). All his inventions too, he probably has good Ne-Ti-Si, plus it's a show, so his Si is probably a bit exaggerated. Inferior Si is shown with his disregard for organising his clothes when living with Bernadette and with his hypochondria when in space. Unhealthy subconscious ISFJ might also explain the fact that he still lived with his mother for so long.


Howard Joel Wolowitz, M.Eng. is an aerospace engineer. He has worked in the astronautical engineering lab for three years as of the first season. Among the four main characters in the show, Howard is distinctive for being an engineer rather than a physicist and lacking a PhD. Portrayed by SimonHelberg.

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