Sheldon Cooper MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Sheldon Cooper? Sheldon Cooper is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - so/sp - 513 in Enneagram, RLOEI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

An INTP without Fe and such strong Si?? Those who claim Sheldon is an INTP because of his Ne shouldn't forget that his IQ is 187 which is why a function like Ne is much better developed in him, even if it's his inferior function. As a Enneagram 5 he probably even has a better access to Ne than other ISTJs in general. Also, where is the Fe? The inferior function improves the older we get and we like to explore it - but when has Sheldon ever displayed Fe in the entire series? Yes, someone with autistic tendencies might be blinder to Fe but his wife Amy (INTP) is a good example on how well the inferior function improves the older you get and IQ wise she is probably the only one who can match up with Sheldon (although we don't have further information about that). On the other hand, when his theory of super asymmetry was denied at first (can't remember which episode but it was in season 12) Sheldon had an outburst where he cynically made fun of spontaneous activities and what he could do. That seemed excatly like an ISXJ who is in the grip of inferior Ne. Yes, INTPs make use of Si but to Sheldon it comes too natural to be the inner child function. Everything Sheldon does is about Si and he doesn't only make use of this function in a stress free environment (which is when we normally use our inner child function). People think of him as a Ti dom but the Si-Te axis in combination with Ti critic in ISTJs just make him look like a Ti user. As a Ti dom myself (ISTP) I don't see this function in Sheldon (fun fact: many ISTPs are mistyped as ENTJs because the Ti-Se axis displays some Te tendencies - same story as with Si-Te makes you appear like a Ti user). Actually, the Te-Fi axis seems obvious in Sheldon. Sheldon Cooper is an ISTJ who just appears more like an INTP because of his strong Ne. Saying that he is an INTP for not caring about other people is BS because the inferior function is connected to anxiety and fear. In fact, we IxTPs can be submissive at times because we secretly fear the emotional reaction of other people (inferior Fe in a nutshell). Where is that Sheldon Cooper?


Dr. Sheldon Cooper is a former senior theoretical particle physicist at the California Institute of Technology. At a young age, he was interested in science and was a child prodigy. However, his classmates and neighbors bullied him due to a mix of Sheldon's behavioral quirks and lack of humility about his superior intellect.

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