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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson MBTI Personality Type

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson? Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - 378 in Enneagram, SCOAN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

this is how ESTP should be. amazing Fe. this is how you overcome Fi blindspot. i remember that one old ESTP friend.. yeahhhhhhhhh the worst of a kind. other ESTP i noticed have been quite great tho. EDIT: okay, i can consider him ENFJ but definitely not ESFJ. he has extremely good Se. he is a natural showman. the way he can read situation and act accordingly is amazing. i saw some recording of him basically controlling wwe crowd for his movie shoot. "how would you react when the rock whoop some ass tonight" crowd goes wild. he even called CM Punk (who was kicked out) for crowd because peoples kept chanting punk's name. i also remember someone mentioning rock being some of the only peoples vince trusts to make good promo without vince handling him script. he is really good with improvisation during promos. another possibility i want to throw is he might have a persona for interviews, every celebrity seems to have ennea 7ish persona these days. Dwyane seems too perfect.


Dwayne Douglas Johnson (born May 2, 1972), also known by his ring name The Rock, is an American actor, producer, and semi-retired professional wrestler. His films have grossed over $3.5 billion in North America and over $10.5 billion worldwide, making him one of the world's highest-grossing and highest-paid actors.

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