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Christine Quinn MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Christine Quinn? Christine Quinn is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - sx/so - 837 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

No Ni, and although i do think she’s objective, i don’t think her worldview is through Te (laws, procedures, goals, static information processing). She’s not too intellectual and many of her judgements are formed by her personal analysis of what she thinks works. In ENTJs, Ni comes before Se, and she lacks that. Her Se is definitely extremely evident. Not an 8, she’s way too vulnerable and open about her weaknesses for that, 3 core makes the most sense. Either wing could fit, but she’s not prone to 4 behaviors, and seems to be too open, people oriented, and manipulative for a 3w4. I may change my votes with further consideration and by watching the newest season. So do not attack me. Update: This last season shows so much unhealthy Ti-Fe usage. Idk how any of you could possibly think she is Te dominant...i’m tempted to say unhealthy ExFJ but i’m going to keep it at ESTP, because her Se is so high and she definitely has high Ti usage.


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