Gwyneth Paltrow MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Gwyneth Paltrow? Gwyneth Paltrow is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

I remember Winona ryder claiming that, Gwyneth paltrow saw the script of "shakespeare in love" that Winona had lying around and went to the studio, and somehow stole that role from her ( now we know that she became Harvey Weinstein arm candy around the same time) . Gwyneth went on to win an Oscar for that role. Winona and Gwyneth were bffs in the 90s, but when gwyneth did that to Winona, and claimed Winona is jealous, lying for publicity , their friendship ended since then. I'm not really fond of gwyneth, she seems very egoistic, fake, self obsessed.. Well basically like every other Hollywood actress. On the other hand, I find Winona more authentic and genuine through what I have seen of both of them, all these years. And if we compare their functions, winona's fi and ne is so obvious while contrary to her ne, Gwyneth's ne seems to be a tertiary / weaker, I see fe dom and si a lot in her. ESFJ makes the most sense, especially if you see her earlier interviews of 90s too. Btw the tertiary function is very pronounced with most people as it's underdeveloped so it's most consciously used. That's why some people are mistaking her as ENFP ne dom but remember she has tertiary ne as an ESFJ.


Gwyneth Kate Paltrow (born September 27, 1972) is an American actress, singer, and food writer. Following early notice for her work in films such as Seven (1995), Emma (1996), Sliding Doors (1998) and A Perfect Murder (1998), Paltrow rose to worldwide recognition for her performance in Shakespeare in Love (1998), winning the Academy Award and the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress. Paltrow has also appeared in Franchises and Shows such as The Marvel CInematic Universe and Glee (2009).

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