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Yoshino Nanjou MBTI Personality Type

Yoshino Nanjou MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Yoshino Nanjou? Yoshino Nanjou is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - - 836 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

I'm not an mbti expert so correct me if I get anything wrong, but Nanjolno's my favourite seiyuu and I'm mostly convinced she's an INTJ. Her Te-Fi comes mainly from the way she acts on her Twitter and during interviews. She doesn't like to sugar coat things, and believes in telling the truth in the most straightforward way as possible, sometimes coming off as blunt as a result of it. I've seen people compare her to a politician because of it. She also doesn't want to become someone she isn't, which is revealed in the lyrics she wrote for her Tokyo 1/3650 album and how she said on her Twitter that she isn't going to stop tweeting about things she's passionate about if people start hating on her for it. In general, she's an ambitious person who doesn't like to let small things distract her from her overall goal, such as when she says that leaving long hair takes too long to manage. As for her Ni, I think that can be seen through the way that her Tokyo 1/3650 album is structured. Each song in the album is meant to capture a single day in the ten years she spent in Tokyo, and she said in an interview that her whole experience as a seiyuu is more than just the sum of those days she selected. I'll add more if I think of anything else also feel free to discuss.


Yoshino Nanjo was born on July 12, 1984 in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Her common voice actress nicknames are "Nanjolno" (often shortened to "Jolno") and "Nanchan". The nickname "Nanjolno" was given to her by her friend Haruka Hitomi from the same agency, a portmanteau of the words 南 (Nan) from her family name, and お嬢 (Ojou lit. young lady). She also has a nickname of simply "Ojou", which was given to her by a co-host from the Da Capo II radio program. She's best known as the current vocalist of fripSide. She voices Eli Ayase in Love Live!.
