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Nika Futterman MBTI Personality Type

Nika Futterman MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Nika Futterman? Nika Futterman is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - so/sx - 692 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.


Nika Futterman (born October 25, 1969) is an American voice and television actress. She is known for her voices in various animated series, including Asajj Ventress in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She has voiced many characters for Nickelodeon, including Chum Chum in Fanboy & Chum Chum, Omnia in the Nickelodeon version of Winx Club, and Luna Loud in The Loud House. Futterman performed the vocals, "Give it to me, baby," in The Offspring hit single “Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)” and cameo backup vocals for a performance of Wham!'s “Careless Whisper” on an episode of Kids Incorporated. Some of Futterman's animated characters sing songs within the soundtrack of a show, as well.
