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Cree Summer MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Cree Summer? Cree Summer is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 741 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.


Cree Summer Francks (born July 7, 1969) is an American-Canadian actress and singer. She is known for playing Winifred “Freddie” Brooks on the NBC sitcom A Different World. In animation, Summer was the original voice of Penny in the 1983 cartoon Inspector Gadget. Her other voice roles include Princess Kneesaa in Ewoks, Elmyra Duff in Tiny Toon Adventures and Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain, Susie Carmichael in Rugrats and All Grown Up!, Numbuh 5 and Cree Lincoln in Codename: Kids Next Door, and Cleo the Poodle in Clifford the Big Red Dog. She is also the voice of Princess Kida in the franchise of Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Valerie Gray in Danny Phantom, Penelope in Barbie as Rapunzel, Blackarachnia in Transformers Animated, Rayna Cartflight in The Buzz on Maggie, Beast Girl and Elasti-Girl in Teen Titans Go!, Priscilla Skunk in Sheriff Callie's Wild West, Maxine “Max” Gibson in Batman Beyond, Foxxy Love in Drawn Together, and Magma in X-Men Legends.
