Stephen King MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Stephen King? Stephen King is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 548 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

I have for the longest time put off a posting this, and I lament that. I had in March read his book "On Writing"... Clear as day 5w4. Reclusive, struggled with addiction and needing an escape (5 to 7 disintegration), writing solely for himself and his wife, an avid researcher and involved in intellectual pursuit. Appears to fear not having enough competence, evident in how he insists grammar and tools are needed and always wants be prepared. I have read most of The Outsider as well.. He truly does explore a wide topic variety.. He threw in his On Writing book info on extrasensory perception and talked about how writing is telepathic form.. Then he also incorporates paranormality into "The Outsider".. Well researched, and avid knowledge as would expect in a core 5. I initially thought he was an INTJ, but I saw torrents of Ne littered throughout his memoir, and The Outsider also is split up in very Ne ways.. He also uses Si greatly and is nostalgic of his memory and often goes on past anecdotes... And with how many books he has written and their appearing to cover wide variety (also once more 5 core), it more Ne supportive over that of Ni. As far as socionics goes, he definitely is not an Fe PolR. He writes in a very alpha way, the whole storytelling of things and wanting be friendly and help out, have laid-back life... He after all, married someone who is as equally reclusive as his own self... I think LII-Ne or ILE-Ti is best working. I am more inclined to say ILE as the result of how his Se appears stronger than that of PolR. It is almost as if he seeks it out for a thrilling sake, yet I cannot for the life of me see Stephen King as an ignorer of Fe. An Se PolR would be abhorrent of excess horror and thrill.. And yet he seeks of it out. Because he values Fe and Si and has higher Se than 1D )or it would have been suggestive if 1D), that leaves ILE as the best choice for his socio type. You can see in this video, he exudes Fe (not constricts and disparages it), and it even appears information-metabolism-wise, there is an extroverted function at a leading: I remember in On Writing, he also had at 18, approached a girl (though he was drunk), and made fool of himself and misread of things.. He also made fun of a teacher in a story he had written and did not read the Fi well of it being turned in, or factor in how it can hurt her, and he got in trouble.. This can support PolR Fi. His Fe even appears HA, and he starred in his own movies. A natural improvisor and actor.. Sort of reminds me of Goblin's (the ILE here) HA Fe. Also owns his own radio station with his wife Tabitha, which is counter PolR Fi.


Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy. His books have sold more than 350 million copies, many of which have been adapted into feature films, miniseries, television series, and comic books. King has published 54 novels, including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman, and six non-fiction books.

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