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Money Doesn't Buy Happiness MBTI Personality Type

Money Doesn't Buy Happiness MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Money Doesn't Buy Happiness? Money Doesn't Buy Happiness is an personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - so/sx - 495 in Enneagram, in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

i hate people who think like this (the comments section). it's just so inmature of someone to say that money can buy happiness. go ask Elon Musk or Bill Gates if they're happy, cus i don't don't they'll say so. to get a lot of money, or at least as much as you need to buy "happiness", you'd have to sacrifice the time you spend with your family, friends, or just the time you spend doing the simple things you like (hobbies like reading, skateboarding, etc). and now you tell me, are you happier when you buy something that you wanted to get so much, or when you hang out with your best friends, those that make you laugh no matter what your mood is? yeah, money can bring temporaly happiness, wich is called joy. but it can't bring you such thing as happiness; a feeling of realization and satisfaction. material things can make you feel happy for an instant, but it won't last very long, why? because then you'll have to keep working hard to get another thing that you want and then the endless cycle will begin again. but imagine for a second this hypotetical scenario. you've earned enough money to buy yourself all the things you've always wanted to own. then, you look around the place to share your joy with your loved ones, but turns out there's no one around. it's just you. because you sacrificed you life and close ones to get all the things you wanted. now put it on a balance, what matters the most? your loved ones or your dreamed life materially speaking? it's the people that sorround us the ones that keep us alive, the ones that help us get up in our worst moments. not a play station, or a gamer set up. those things aren't worth our valuable time. our beloved ones are. that's why i think this way of thinking is sad and inmature, because people are not straight thinking, they just see themselves enjoying everything they'd have, but it's just imposible for a person to earn all these things withouth sacrificing other things that are more important. sadly, this material system on wich we live makes us think that money is the most important thing, and that it'll makes us happier that anything in this world. so it's easy to come to the conslussion or adopt an hedonist attitude, of living the present and satisfy ourselves with the things that this material world can provide us.

