Cody Christian MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Cody Christian? Cody Christian is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 583 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

i see a lot of healthy Se and Ti but he also has really good Fe and Ni usage, i can't see him having inferior Se (in fact Se seems like the function he's most comfortable with), he's seems to be a well developed ESTP he seems like a really insightful person who puts a lot of importance on the moment and on getting the most you can out of life but he's also very good at seeing the bigger picture and understanding the impact he has on others when asked what he would tell his younger self: "I would tell my younger self to just be patient. I was in a rush to do so much. I was thinking like anything in life, I gotta have it now. I gotta be here with my career and I gotta be making this sort of money and I was putting this expectancy on everything that I wanted to achieve in life and then I realized that I wasn't supposed to have any of that that I wanted at that time. It was all a process and it's all a journey and it's all coming in due time. My older self, if I could, I would go back and say you know what? Just focus on living and figuring out who you are and what you like and stop rushing everything in life because I kind of learned that lesson too late." this quote specifically (although I've heard him say many things like this) has me leaning towards an ESTP who has matured and learned how to use their functions in a healthy way


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