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  3. Too Hot to Handle

Nick Kici MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Nick Kici? Nick Kici is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - - 925 in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, in Socionics.

Clear INFJ. Very comfortable with the unknown.. he takes a very calm approach towards uncertainty. One of the reasons why he and Jawa get along so well and are such a good match is because he is Ni leading and she is Ni inferior. You can tell how they balance each other out very well. He holds her hand through the unknown and is very empathetic and patient with her. He NEVER ever pushes his own feelings onto her and is always trying to understand her perspective. He is an Fe user for sure. Although Fi users can do the same thing, they do have a tendency to lean towards paying attention to their own feelings and trying to figure out how they feel. One reason you can tell Nick is a high Ni user is because Ni is all about introspection and having a narrowed down mindset. Ni is good at narrowing things down to one thing and creating a vision by unconsciously connecting the patterns and dots. So since Jawa is Ni inferior narrowing things down is vastly harder for her to do because she leads with Se. Her Se wants to explore her surroundings and the physical world. So Nick’s Ni really grounds her and keeps her engaging with the Ni that she’s constantly ignoring. This why they really balance each other out and work so well together. This is great to see. I knew from the beginning they would be a perfect fit. They both have what each other needs.


Winner of 'Too Hot To Handle' season 4.

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