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Shun Horie MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Shun Horie? Shun Horie is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Shun Horie (堀江 瞬, Horie Shun, born May 25, 1993) is a Japanese voice actor. He is a member of Pro-Fit and SparQlew. He won the Best New Actor Award at the 12th Seiyu Awards. Some of his notable roles include Tsugiyoshi Sumino in Juni Taisen: Zodiac War, Ichirou Suzuki / Satou Pendragon in Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody, Kazuya Kinoshita in Rent-A-Girlfriend and Aether in Genshin Impact.
