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Sanzu Haruchiyo MBTI Personality Type

Sanzu Haruchiyo MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Sanzu Haruchiyo? Sanzu Haruchiyo is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sx/so - 638 in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Now let's talk about how possibly Sanzu is an ENTP. Before I start, let me remind you that this is not 100% because of insufficient data. The claim he is an ENTJ was debunked. 1. Sanzu used Si. Read chapter 201. This is what he said to Takemitchi "Man, you stink like hell! You smelled even back then. Slimy looking mofo" Takemitchi replied "back then?" as if this person knows him before. That's an obvious Si on him. Pretty good for INTP tert and ENTP inf too. We can't say he's a TJ because he's not a Te user. Unhealthy Fe dom or aux makes sense too and we can type him as xSFJ. 2. "No matter how strong you are in fights, it's much more easier to use weapons you know?" This is obviously a Ti reasoning without a doubt and we can type him as xNTP. If you mistaken it as Te because Te focus on efficiency, you don't know Ti vs Te. Plus, why is he telling to people it? To make things clear, I don't type him based on what he says just because I quoted his words. If we merely rely on what he says, we'll get confused about "protecting the king is more important" lie. It's a lie! If not, then he just reconsidered that principle but we can't deny the fact that he broke his own principle. I type him based on how he perceived things and make judgements. Him telling Takemitchi "you even smelled back then" is not a lie because Takemitchi had a bad smell because he live in a messy place. Takemitchi don't change. About that "it's easier to use weapon", of course it's not a lie because he used a weapon against Kakucho.


As a teenager, Haruchiyo has a calm demeanor and rarely talks. He was extremely loyal and much nicer to those he follows and worships. However, it is later revealed that he is also quite manipulative and is exceptionally good at deceiving other people. As an adult, Haruchiyo seems to be more extroverted, blunt, and loud. Similarly, he resembles Joker. He is ruthless and displays psychopathic tendencies. It’s implied this is caused by the drugs he takes, which provokes his rather manic personality. He takes sadistic delight and notorious euphoria when executing traitors, while voicefully stating he is enacting Mikey's will. When encountering Takemichi, Haruchiyo ordered him to be silent for the "king" would speak, and threatened to shoot Takemichi for his casual approach, believing it a disrespect.

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