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Manjirou "Mikey" Sano MBTI Personality Type

Manjirou "Mikey" Sano MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Manjirou "Mikey" Sano? Manjirou "Mikey" Sano is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sx/so - 964 in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

A crazy thing I find on this website is that INTP / INFP for example have to justify themselves on a constant basis in the comment like they should apologise because the characters is « competent / skilled / charismatic » which doesn’t fit the disgusting stereotypes. Same with ESFP / ESTP when the character possesses more let’s say « brain capacity » stereotypically. While on the other hands type like ISTPs, because they seat between these two extremes of positive stereotypes of the latter types can claim in a finger snap the character in question and PDB will yield, even when it’s the wrong type. Ne doesn’t mean you cannot ever enter action. Se doesn’t mean you cannot ever have another perspective of view a For example people come with good Ne-Si arguments ( Mikey’s Si is UNDENIABLE ), because the more « action oriented » INxP are in a Ti-Si loop. It works. Here’s why Ne is harder to find. There are plenty of ISTP in Ti-Ni loop too who get mistaken for INTP too. But when it’s an INTP you need an extra justification. People with Se-Ni argument use the « crystallised vision » ( I exclude the Se = fight mfs because they ain’t worth it, they belong to astrology ) argument which is on the other hand very speculative and not as detailed. It doesn’t ponder the why and when of mikey. It’s a very surface level that you can use on other characters that EVERYONE agree they don’t use Se-Ni. Everyone can have an ambition, everyone can have a dream, everyone can have inner plans they don’t talk about, it’s HOW they are implanted in your process. But if the most stubborn voters want to go by stereotypes. I’ll go by stereotypes : outside of fights and his gang leader moments, Mikey is very much impractical and baby cared by Draken and prefers spending time with familiar subjective relationships he values ( Emma, Takemichi who reflects his late brother ). Takemichi is much more feet on the ground and alert than him, and he’s supposedly a ISFP in a Fi-Ni loop which is by definition the least practical sensors.


Mikey is usually a carefree teenager who loves to joke and play pranks around those he considers his close friends. He cares for them greatly and is determined to protect their honor. He rarely shows any sign of weakness, as he believes himself to be the foundation and support for Toman, and if the pillar himself were to display weakness, Toman would also be weakened.

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