Hong MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Hong? Hong is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, in Socionics.

Was thinking he could've been so/sx or so/sp, but I think sp/so sounds more reasonable as he knows his tendency to be naive in some situations so he is a bit worried about his safety and wants to take better care of himself so On won't have to protect him so much even though he understands why she does it and he doesn't trust himself that much at the same time so he just lets it happen. Which is another reason why I didn't put sx in it as he values his connections with people and naturally wants to get along with people. RCUAI because he's never shown depressed sides of himself other than when he met the Cat Tribe that one time, but despite that, he still trusts his family more than them. Sanguine [Dominant] because he's never shown any other signs of other ones as he's the definition of it. He could be Sanguine-Melancholic, but I don't really believe that as he has never shown a care in the world about how he seems to others.


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