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Tetsuya Kakihara MBTI Personality Type

Tetsuya Kakihara MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Tetsuya Kakihara? Tetsuya Kakihara is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Agreed with Ne-dom, but I see Fe over Fi which leads me to think ENTP. He says he's always confident in himself and that he's hardly ever nervous (a sign of Ti? lol) but the one thing that makes him nervous is the mere possibility of hurting or offending other people. "I get worried that the sentences I write [on social media] will hurt someone's feelings." This is honestly pretty Fe to me, as he takes everyone's thoughts into consideration and values them highly, even above expressing his own opinions. Furthermore, the reason he became a seiyuu was because he liked the idea of a job that brought happiness to children all around the world. So that's where I see Fe. Just a thought!


Tetsuya Kakihara is a Japanese voice actor and singer. Previously affiliated with 81 Produce, he became a freelancer in June 2013. He set up his own agency, Zynchro, in July 2014. (Wikipedia) Kakihara was born in Düsseldorf, Germany on December 24, 1982. He voiced Natsu Dragneel in Fairy Tail.
