Richard Kind MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Richard Kind? Richard Kind is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 729 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.


Richard Bruce Kind (born November 22, 1956) is an American actor and voice actor, known for his roles as Dr. Mark Devanow in Mad About You (1992–1999, 2019), Paul Lassiter in Spin City (1996–2002) and Andy in Curb Your Enthusiasm (2002–2020); as well as for portraying Arthur in A Serious Man (2009). Kind is also known for his voice performances in various Pixar films such as A Bug's Life (1998), Cars (2006), Toy Story 3 (2010), Cars 2 (2011) and Inside Out (2015). He was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play for his performance as Marcus Hoff in the 2013 Broadway production of The Big Knife. Kind was born to a Jewish family, in the New Jersey capital of Trenton, the son of Alice, a homemaker, and Samuel Kind, a jeweler who formerly owned La Vake's Jewelry in Princeton. Together with his younger sister, Joanne, he grew up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in a neighborhood called Pennsbury Heights.

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