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Kelly Sheridan MBTI Personality Type

Kelly Sheridan MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Kelly Sheridan? Kelly Sheridan is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - so/sp - 271 in Enneagram, SLOAN in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.


Kelly Sheridan (born May 19, 1977) is a Canadian voice actress best known for being the voice for Barbie in the Barbie film series from 2001 to 2010 and from 2012 to 2015. She had also voiced in numerous animations and English-language dubs of Japanese animations, including as Sango in the English dub of the Inuyasha, Diana Lombard in Martin Mystery, Theresa in Class of the Titans and Starlight Glimmer in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She has been a member of Genus Theatre Company since August 2005.
