Alexis Kingsley MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Alexis Kingsley? Alexis Kingsley is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - so/sx - 531 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

INTJ 531 - The Technical Expert or 538 ★ NT Skip to 18min onwards on the below video [1] where she says that she reads a lot ie. works only 2 hours a day and set on to read (esp. books related to personal development.) > NTs have a 'need to understand' while STs have a need to 'get it right or get it fixed'. Her YouTube videos also do show that she does prefer to interpret and add meaning rather than just sticking to the basic. [1] Am I an ENTJ or INTJ? Group Brainstorm > Information: Do you prefer to focus on the basic information you take in or do you prefer to interpret and add meaning? This is called Sensing (S) or Intuition (N). MBTI® Basics, The Myers & Briggs Foundation ★ INTJ 1) I do not see an ISTJ type [2], [3]. The youtuber of Everything Smart Home [3] is an ISTJ -totally different vibe. [2] What type are you? Intuitive or Sensor? Example online of an ISTJ 513: [3] Favourite Smart Home Tech 2021 - YouTubers Edition


Alexis Kingsley is a self-help personality typing Youtuber. She gives advice on how to develop the functions of each type.

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