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Ruka Oshida MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Ruka Oshida? Ruka Oshida is an personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 386 in Enneagram, in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

I don't understand why she is typed as ENTP or enneagram 7, in the context of Movies and Specials. She is an extremely typical XSTJ + Socio Beta ST typing (They look very similar to Erika Itsumi) Essentially all he does is maintain the Beta Quadra status quo logic, which could have been LSI as well, but 2D basically just forgives Andou because he's more adaptable with Ne and Se Lead goals are more of a priority I don't remember clearly when Oshida made intense decisions. In essence, he has a Te-centered opportunist - Static Logic/Social System attitude, and although he tries to match it with past experiences and see different possibilities by supporting this with Si-Ne, he generally seems to see different possibilities late. If it's different in the manga, please clarify.


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