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Yuka Ōtsubo MBTI Personality Type

Yuka Ōtsubo MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Yuka Ōtsubo? Yuka Ōtsubo is an personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/sx - 621 in Enneagram, in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.


Yuka Ōtsubo (大坪 由佳, Ōtsubo Yuka, born June 11, 1993) is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Chiba Prefecture affiliated with Early Wing. In 2014, she started her career as a singer by joining the band SmileY inc. with Vocaloid musician Yuuyu-P. She also did the voice of Vocaloid character Azuki Masaoka for V4. Her debut role was Kyouko Toshinou in Yuru-Yuri.

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