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Shōtarō Morikubo MBTI Personality Type

Shōtarō Morikubo MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Shōtarō Morikubo? Shōtarō Morikubo is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - so/sx - 416 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.


Shōtarō Morikubo (森久保 祥太郎, Morikubo Shōtarō, born February 25, 1974) is a Japanese actor, voice actor, and singer who has voiced characters in anime, drama CDs, and video games. He was formerly affiliated with I'm Enterprise, Sigma Seven, and VIMS. His most notable roles were Shikamaru Nara from Naruto, X in the Mega Man X series, and Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4. zui (髄, lit. marrow) is the first solo album by Shōtarō Morikubo, released in 2001. “The Answer“ and “Moon Light” were the album's promotional tracks, being used in the video game series Mega Man X as the opening themes to Mega Man X6. “The Answer” appeared as the album's only single, paired with the B-side “Happy Monday Man”. The concert for this album – later released on DVD and included the promotional video for “The Answer” – is entitled “Shōtarō Morikubo Live House Tour '01 ~Okubyō Mono no G Kōi~” (臆病者のG行為 lit. “G Conduct of a Coward”).
