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Azusa Tadokoro MBTI Personality Type

Azusa Tadokoro MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Azusa Tadokoro? Azusa Tadokoro is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - - 469 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

I'm pretty sure she's a Fi dom. Her thoughts on the album Waver say a lot about that. «I can't be everything to everyone. I can't be exactly what you want me to be. So... I thought hard about how to be honest with everyone. And I thought, I have to live my own life, and I'm the only one that can really understand me...» «I can only truly understand my own life, and I can't make everyone's wishes come true». She's focused on her own feelings a lot and wants to express them rather than trying to please everyone. I think it means Fi > Fe. I'm not really sure about her auxiliary function but I don't see her Ne.


Azusa Tadokoro (田所 あずさ, Tadokoro Azusa, born November 10, 1993) is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Mito, Ibaraki. She is affiliated with the talent agency Horipro and signed to record label Lantis. She participated in an audition sponsored by Horipro and made her debut as a voice actress in 2012. Her notable roles include Aoi Kiriya in Aikatsu!, Kaoru Seta in BanG Dream!, Phino Bloodstone in Yu-Shibu, and Chtholly Nota Seniorious in WorldEnd. Apart from voice acting, she also performed theme song for anime such as Myriad Colors Phantom World and Trickster.

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