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Gregor MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

while i'm not completely against the sp4 ISFP gregor i do think he's a pretty... classic depiction of (what i think is) his typology. This part from Golihov's description of Si as a base especially speaks out to me for Gregor; "They have always something to feel physically, to confirm their presence in the world, and they surround themselves with such “thing”: soft kitty, warm carpet, wool socks, iron balls spinning fingers. Many “fussing” for convenient - it is not convenient, but do not worry, namely “fussing” as a way to maintain a conversation." Which also ties into 1F, his smoking as a coping mechanism. we see him consistently turn to smoking for comfort, or just to pass time (oral fixation huh...) and i think his backstory overall fit sp9 better. i'll try to make a better argument for this once we've seen more of him and once i've had a chance to organize my thoughts in a way that is more concise and easy to digest for others. but for now, i leave you with this, pdb user. also, he is ironically closer to book meursault's typology than limbus meursault himself is. i just find that a bit funny.


This sinner is relatively easy to handle in terms of personality. However, an upsurge of emotion or a sudden change of environment may cause parts or the whole of his body to transform into insectile tissues. If you do not wish to be a rude manager (not that you're obligated to be nice), we recommend keeping your facial expression in check so that your disgust is not visible to him. He sometimes uses cynical language, but he can still be reasoned with, and you can get around him without much difficulty as long as you learn the knack of it.

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