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Black metal MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

1st Wave Black Metal: INTJ 5w4 2nd Wave Black Metal: INTJ 4w5 3rd Wave Black Metal/modern: INTP 5w6 Raw Black Metal: INTJ 5w4 Atmospheric Black Metal: INTP 5w4 Epic Black Metal: INFJ 4w5 Industrial Black Metal: INTJ 8w9 Melodic Black Metal: INTJ 5w4 Blackened Death Metal: ENTJ 8w7 Viking Black Metal: ENTJ 8w9 Symphonic Black Metal: INTJ 5w4 Vampiric Black Metal: INTJ 4w5 Blackened Crust: ISTP 8w9 Blackened Thrash Metal: ISTP 8w9 Blackgaze: INFP 4w5 Pagan Black Metal: INFJ 4w5 NSBM: ENTJ 3w4 RABM: ISTP 5w4 USBM: INTJ 5w4 DSBM: ISFP 4w5 The majority of BM subgenres = INTJ 5w4


Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal. It is typically abrasive and usually makes use of fast tempos driven by blast-beat drumming; high-pitched electric guitars that are often played with tremolo picking; unconventional song structures, melodies, and chord progressions; and high-pitched, shrieking vocals, usually with lyrics concerning anti-Christianity, Satanism, paganism, nature, misanthropy, depression, or fantasy. It is prone to experimentation and certain elements typical to black metal are not always used by every band within the subgenre. Originally, many black metal recordings were created with low-quality production and recording equipment, and some bands still retain this recording style, favoring its primitive feel over more modern recording equipment; however, other bands in the genre, especially in the progressive, avant-garde, and post-metal/shoegaze-influenced subgenres of the style, prefer higher-quality recording techniques.
