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Black Metal tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Black Metal? Black Metal é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 584 em enneagram, RLOEI em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

1st Wave Black Metal: INTJ 5w4 2nd Wave Black Metal: INTJ 4w5 3rd Wave Black Metal/modern: INTP 5w6 Raw Black Metal: INTJ 5w4 Atmospheric Black Metal: INTP 5w4 Epic Black Metal: INFJ 4w5 Industrial Black Metal: INTJ 8w9 Melodic Black Metal: INTJ 5w4 Blackened Death Metal: ENTJ 8w7 Viking Black Metal: ENTJ 8w9 Symphonic Black Metal: INTJ 5w4 Vampiric Black Metal: INTJ 4w5 Blackened Crust: ISTP 8w9 Blackened Thrash Metal: ISTP 8w9 Blackgaze: INFP 4w5 Pagan Black Metal: INFJ 4w5 NSBM: ENTJ 3w4 RABM: ISTP 5w4 USBM: INTJ 5w4 DSBM: ISFP 4w5 The majority of BM subgenres = INTJ 5w4


Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal. It is typically abrasive and usually makes use of fast tempos driven by blastbeat drumming; high-pitched electric guitars that are often played with tremolo picking; unconventional song structures, melodies, and chord progressions; and high-pitched shrieking vocals, usually with lyrics concerning anti-Christianity, Satanism, paganism, nature, misanthropy, depression or fantasy. It is prone to experimentation and certain elements typical to black metal are not always used by every band within the subgenre. Originally, many black metal recordings were created with low-quality production and recording equipment, and some bands still retain this recording style, favoring its primitive feelings over more modern recording equipment; however, other bands in the genre, especially in the progressive, avant-garde, and post-metal/shoegaze-influenced subgenres of the style, prefer higher quality recording techniques.
