Togashi Yuuta MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

612 > 621 6-2 fix description : “ Might control or manipulate people to feel more secure about having a band of allies. Will give to others in order to reassure themselves of being needed and finding a place to belong. Loving, anxious to please. Tug between wanting to help and being wary of doing so, in general.” 6-1 fix description : “Inflexible, friendly, moralistic. This combination can induce perfection-in-performance related anxiety. Meticulous to the point of being neurotic about it. OCD likely in either combination.” even though he has both a 2 and 1 fix, i would say it would be 1 > 2. he’s definitely more meticulous and inflexible over loving and helpful though he is both obviously. i’m really confused about why he’s an EII here when he’s such an obvious ESI. ESI description : “the ESI easily distinguishes right from wrong, just from injust, and/or appropriate from inappropriate. She provides a strong foundation for those around her and is not easily swayed from her beliefs. In a familial environment, she is protective and attentive, while enabling those she cares about to reach their goals. She is very down to earth and is more concerned with what is than what could be. The ESI has a strong grasp of the nature of relationships and understands what is necessary to maintain, strengthen, or end them. As such, the ESI is often guiding the direction that her relationships go, even if this guidance often goes unrecognized by the other party. At her best, the ESI acts as a model citizen, parent, and employee; she rallies around causes she believes in and actions she perceives as correct and condemns those types of behavior she views as wrong or immoral. At her worst, the ESI may become overly judgmental and this may push some people away from her.“ yuta has a strong sense of right and wrong and also what is appropriate and what isn’t, which is why 90% of the time he’s done with the cast because they act crazy while he’s always yelling at them to stop or to behave. he isn’t easily swayed by his beliefs. he is concerned with what is than what could be (inferior Ne). he always acts like a parent, especially around rikka who he always scolds but always takes care of and helps her study, etc.


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