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Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp

Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp image


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

Her Se is quite big for an ENTJ. Te: Ashe values objectivity and goes after what she wants with burning passion for it. She is deadset on catching Cassidy and making the Deadlock Gang be worldwide known. She dismisses everything that doesn't help her reach her objectives and keeps whatever and whoever that helps her close. Bob is a great example. Despite being her butler, the fact that he could fight was a great asset to the Deadlock Gang, and so, she took him with her. She doesn't even bother to give Bob a detailed order, she just wants it to be dealt with when she uses her Ultimate. "Bob! Do something!" Ni: Ashe's visions are really important for her and that becomes pretty clear once you look back on her backstory. Her goal of catching Cassidy is her main source of motivation and she is determined to make that happen. She wants to satisfy her ideal vision of the Deadlock Gang raining supreme, famous and rich, with Cassidy tied up to her motorcycle. "When I catch Cassidy, WHICH I GUARANTEE, you'll see how much you regret crossing me!" Se: SO OBVIOUS. Those ESTJ votes down there bug me. She runs after the thrills and the sensory experiences, she is attentive to her surroundings and enjoys the little things in the present. She literally has a line that says that lol. She has a simplistic way of viewing life, as an outlaw. All they gotta do is rob and work their way up, and first and foremost, catch Cassidy when he shows up. She enjoys the chaos and the adrenaline rush, and is definitely not careful or stuck to her past. Inferior Fi: She obviously has unethical principles, being an outlaw, but she never cares about how she feels about things, she only cares about the sensations she receives and the rewards she gains. Despite that, she is a pretty fair person inside the Deadlock Gang itself. And she values Bob :3 which has nothing to do with Fi itself, but it's something we'll always appreciate.


Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe grew up surrounded with privilege, with a wealthy family offering her much opportunity to succeed. However, her parents paid little attention to her, often leaving her in the care of their omnic butler, B.O.B., and soon she crossed paths with local ruffian Cole Cassidy. After being involved in an impromptu string of crimes together, she recognized the thrill of outwitting her targets and getting away with it as her calling, setting her up on the outlaw path. Along with the founders of the Deadlock Gang, Ashe started to make a bigger name for herself with increasingly extravagant heists across the American Southwest, while also getting into increasingly violent encounters with various other criminal organizations. After years of bloodshed, she seized the opportunity to grow influence over all, managing to rally the gangs to work together (or at least, not against each other) under her principles: keep your word, don’t work with the law, respect each other’s territory, and always punish betrayal. With petty gang conflict no longer being in her priorities, Ashe is free to fully establish herself through audacious heists and operations leading the Deadlock Gang across the American Southwest, earning herself a spot on the top of the authorities' most-wanted lists and cementing her status as an outlaw legend.

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