Xiao Yi tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Xiao Yi? Xiao Yi es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 594 en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, LSI en Socionics."

His face has the Ni dom glance. As if can see all of you soul in one second an know more of you than yourself 'cause he already saw and understand everything before. Edit. His life is surrounded by patterns and concepts. But all his "i know this, i know that" sounds like eneatype 5 to me so idk how could i explain his Ni. THIS MAN IS THE F*CKING DEFINITION OF FE AUX AND FE>TI. Although i don't understand Ti very well so idk about that. Xian is so IxFJ, i don't accept another mbti type to him. He literally has no Fi-Te. Wang Yi either, Prone to a Xi-Ti Loop when feels injustice. Becoming less empathetic and edge. But his Se isn't too bad imo. Even if he is almost in their thoughts all the time, and his mother (fisrt world) or his friends (2nd world) were like "Why do you don't pay attention?" with him. And he paralyzed when his plans failed, However, his Se appears, for example when he smells the scent of Wang Yi on the towell. He is aware of external world, for example when he realizes the someone is spyng on him. But, i insist. When he was imprisoned in a locker, his thoughts looked like a Ne grip to me or maybe it was a Ni-Ti so... i am not sure xd (I know that they don't look similar but that is my confusion , so sorry).


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