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Juan Karlos Labajo tipo de personalidade mbti

Juan Karlos Labajo tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Juan Karlos Labajo? Juan Karlos Labajo es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 9w8 - so/sx - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

He has so much Ne-Fe in this interview: https://youtu.be/Kgja4kJYZAM?si=oQb1opBe6J8Iu2TK since the music industry is more about emotions, his Ti might be harder to spot. I think he's just in his Si grip and disintegration to 6. I could also see him as an EIE ENTP. That's why has more of a theatrical flair. But he seems like a fairly logical guy that's also an artist. Art is all about conveying emotions but it doesn't necessarily mean that the artist is a feeler for conveying feelings. He quit acting to really get in character like his icons. He said it himself that it was pretty risky. But he wanted to explore/experience how it's really like to be a musician. Away from the influence of TV fame. I see that as an Ne-Ti (w/ a great deal of Fe) move. I think Fe is all about environments. He knew that being in the right environment will help him shape his desired identity. TV fame also steers your direction to acting career from music. Smart move, I'd say. I can also see his visual thinking. He seems to write from images. He also draws inspiration from symbols more than experiences. Very concept-based. His experiences are just the starting point.


Juan Karlos "JK" Labajo is a Filipino actor, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and television personality. He started his career after auditioning for ABS-CBN's reality singing competition The Voice Kids shown from June to July 2014. Labajo is currently the frontman of the band Juan Karlos, and is co-managed by ABS-CBN's Star Magic and MCA Music Inc.

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