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Kotegawa Chisa tipo de personalidade mbti

Kotegawa Chisa tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Kotegawa Chisa? Kotegawa Chisa es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 1w2 - sp/so - 164 en enneagram, en Big 5, SLI en Socionics."

If you rewatch the anime, all of her scenes are either Si+Fi moral values/principles or Te judging. Side note, calling people dumb or idiotic is an high Te user with undeveloped Fi trait because Te users think there's an objective standard to thinking: when someone does something that a Te user considers lower than the standard, she calls them out as she thinks they should've been better. This is exactly why Chisa constantly calls Iori an idiot. Trust me, as a once unhealthy Fi user I know these moments.


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