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Introverted Feeling Type tipo de personalidade mbti

Introverted Feeling Type tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Introverted Feeling Type? Introverted Feeling Type es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w5 - sp/so - 461 en enneagram, RLUAI en Big 5, EII en Socionics."

Jungian IF is a very dry, emotionally reserved, closed off type, so why would the archtype be 1E when IF gets described as this? IF from “Psychological Types” “It is principally among women that I have found the predominance of introverted feeling. 'Still waters run deep' is very true of such women. They are mostly silent, inaccessible, and hard to understand; often they hide behind a childish or banal mask, and their temperament is inclined to melancholy. They neither shine nor reveal themselves. As they are mainly guided by their subjective feelings, their true motives generally remain hidden. “ “Since this type appears rather cold and reserved, it might seem on a superficial view that such women have no feelings at all. Such a view, however, would be quite false; the truth is, their feelings are intensive rather than extensive. They develop in depth. While an extensive feeling of sympathy can express itself in appropriate words and deeds, and thus quickly gets back to normal again, an intensive sympathy, being shut off from every means of expression, gains a passionate depth that comprises a whole world of misery and is simply benumbed” Van Der Hoop on IF “The introvert of feeling-type finds support and guidance by shaping his own feeling-attitudes in accordance with an inner ideal. Here the activities of feeling are hidden, and from the outside there is, as a rule, little to tell us that we are dealing with a person of feeling-type. “ These traits aren’t aligned with 1E, who are usually open shameless in their emotional expression, rather its 3E, “still waters run deep” is as 3E as you can get 3E (SoL) “Like any Third, the 3rd Emotion feels a constrained, but powerful potential, and in cases where the timidity of emotional self-disclosure can be overcome, fire and passion break out from under the iceberg “rusk”.” “Just because Third Emotion does not show their emotions, it doesn’t mean they don’t have a lot of emotions; Third Emotion can focus on slight changes in mood, can focus on hypersensitivity, and can be dry while not being focused on soulful spirituality. 3rd Emotion is the most defenseless creature in the world. — Third Emotion is very vulnerable.” “There lived in him a fear of pathos, strong feelings and several theatrical effects inseparable from it. I can only compare his situation with one: someone loves a woman with all the ardor, tenderness and depth of which a person of subtle feelings, enormous intelligence and talent. But he will never dare to say about it in pompous, pompous words and cannot even imagine. How he will kneel down and press one hand to his heart and how he will speak in the trembling voice of his first lover. And therefore he loves and is silent and suffers silently”


Judges information using personal experiences and subjective value-framework. Its inner passions and emotions are intense and full of fire/energy. It devalues objective reality, it favors its personal feeling, experience and situation, it projects itself to other peoples shoes, which is why Fi is considered empathetic. They may appear cold, expressionless, but deep inside, it is full of energy, passion and fire. When Introverted Feeling represses Extraverted Thinking (Te), it manifests itself in the form of a domineering personality, it becomes vain and paranoid.

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