Joe Locke tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Joe Locke? Joe Locke es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 6w7 - - 694 en enneagram, RLOAI en Big 5, ESE en Socionics."

Ngl from watching interviews and stuff I see pretty high Si and Te. His Fe seems pretty low from what I’ve seen and he definitely uses Fi, but I don’t see Fi as his dominant. I think he might be an ISTJ as from I’ve observed from interviews and from what the other cast members say about him, he seems to have high Si, focused on routine, comfort and rules more than the rest of the cast FROM WHAT IVE SEEN. He’s also been described as very logical too and I can sense he definitely uses Fi too as you can clearly see his values being offended during interviews, but I think his logical and organised nature appears more on the surface. I can also see the Ne usage too, but it seems to be the weakest from all of these, i can also see it come out in little bursts when he seems slightly irritated or for banter (jokes). he’s very different to Charlie spring in real life from what I’ve observed. Obviously I’m open to debate as I don’t know enough about him, but I do see ISTJ with a more developed Ne than is common, but I still think his Te and Si are too high to be INFP or ENFP.


Josef William Locke (born September 24 2003) is a British actor. He stars in the TV adaptation of the Heartstopper graphic novels as Charlie Spring.

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